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タイラー・ガトリン ヘッドコーチ就任のお知らせ

ヘッドコーチ Tyler・Gatlin (タイラー・ガトリン)
2010-11 ダラスインパクト(ABA) ゼネラルマネージャー
2011-15 テキサス・レジェンズ(NBA Dリーグ) アシスタントコーチ
2011-12 ノースダラスバンダルズ(ABA) アソシエイトヘッドコーチ
2012-14 ノースダラスバンダルズ(ABA) ヘッドコーチ
2015-18 ベイカーズフィールドジャム/北アリゾナサンズ アシスタントコーチ
2018-19 ストックトンキングス(NBA Gリーグ) アシスタントコーチ
2019-20 ストックトンキングス(NBA Gリーグ) アソシエイトヘッドコーチ
2020-22 KCCエギス(KBL) アシスタントコーチ
2022-23 京都ハンナリーズ

【タイラー・ガトリン ヘッドコーチコメント】





I am incredibly excited and honored to embark on a new journey as the Head Coach of the Hachioji Bee Trains. The rich basketball culture and passionate community in Hachioji have already captivated my spirit, and I am eager to lead a team in such a vibrant and dedicated environment.

With profound gratitude, I acknowledge my former team in Kyoto for the remarkable opportunity to serve as an assistant coach under the exceptional leadership of Roy Rana. The knowledge and experiences gained alongside the talented players and coaching staff in Kyoto have profoundly shaped my coaching journey.

As I step into this new role, I bring with me the invaluable lessons learned from the coaching staff, and the unwavering support received from the Hannaryz fans. With integrity, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, I am committed to making a positive impact on and off the court in Hachioji.

Hachioji's deep-rooted love for the game and its storied basketball tradition inspire me to foster that passion, be a role model for young athletes, and contribute to the growth of basketball in the city. Together with the players, coaching staff, sponsors and the entire basketball community in Hachioji, I am eager to build a legacy of teamwork, growth, and success.

Let's work together to create a thriving basketball culture and achieve greatness!

【クラブコメント 代表取締役常務兼GM 髙松僚 】
この度、ヘッドコーチとしてTyler Gatlin氏と契約になりましたことご報告申し上げます。

We are pleased to announce that we have signed with Tyler Gatlin as Head Coach of the Hachioji BeeTrains.
After meeting with a number of HC candidates, we were impressed by Coach Tyler's desire to realize his clear vision for our club, and we unanimously requested him to be our HC for the upcoming season.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to him for his willingness.
In our conversation, I found his personality to be calm, precise, and polite, and his stance to "have fun together", is what I believe our club needs the most. 
As for the team's problems for this season, he emphatically responded that they will be resolved.
I am sure that with his experience in the G League, K League, and this season's B1 Kyoto, he will be successful to make Hachioji a better team and qualify for the playoffs, which we missed this season. 
Thank you all in advance, for your continued support for Coach Tyler.