
■身長/体重:209㎝ / 120㎏
■出 身 地:スペイン
■出 身 校:バルセロナ大学
■経 歴 :
2000-01 Liga de Verdado(スペイン1部)
2001-02 Ulla Oil Rosalia(スペイン1部)
2002-04 CB Granada(スペイン1部)
2004-05 CB Ciudad Algeciras Cepsa(スペイン1部)
2005-07 Bruesa Guipuzcoa BC(スペイン1部)
2007-08 Vive Menorca(スペイン2部)、 Bruesa Guipuzcoa BC(スペイン1部)
2008-09 Bruesa Guipuzcoa BC(スペイン1部)
2009-14 Lagun Aro Gipuzkoa BC(スペイン1部)
2014-16 Gipuzkoa BC San Sebastian(スペイン1部)
2016-17 Saenz Horeca Araberri(スペイン2部)、 AE Doxa Lefkadas(ギリシャ1部)
2017-18 Estudiantes Concordia(アルゼンチン)
2018-19 レバンガ北海道(B1)
2019-20 Atletico Aguada(ウルグアイ)、ライジングゼファー福岡(B2)
2020-21 熊本ヴォルターズ(B2)
2021-22 バンビシャス奈良(B2)、大阪エヴェッサ(B1)
2022-23 CB Talabera (スペイン3部)、滋賀レイクス(B1)、
2022- 東京八王子ビートレインズ
I am proud to be part of the Trains family for next season. I want to give all my experience and effort to the team. Lets have a great season all together. I can’t wait to start the season.
【クラブコメント 代表取締役常務兼GM 髙松僚】
この度、David Doblas選手と引き続き契約になりましたこと、ご報告申し上げます。
We are pleased to announce that we have signed with David Doblas for the continuous season.
He joined us in the second half of February this season under difficult team circumstances, and has been communicating frankly with all the players without any decorum, and has played with dedication and commitment for the team.
I would like to express my greatest appreciation to him for bringing the team together even though he joined us in the middle of the season.
Doblas takes good care of his body and eats natto rice and miso soup every morning.
We look forward to seeing Doblas next season, where he will be a key player for the foreign players, embracing the Japanese culture and understanding the strengths of Japanese players.